Chris Chiaramonte

CENTURY 21: Smarter, Bolder, Faster.


As a sales associate affiliated with CENTURY 21 Signature Real Estate, I am here to help you buy or sell a home.

I serve the following areas:

  • Des Moines
  • Ankeny
  • West Des Moines
  • Clive
  • Pleasant Hill
  • Urbandale
  • Waukee
  • Winterset
  • Runnells
  • Carlisle
  • Norwalk
  • Windsor Heights

My Listings

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Urbandale Regional Office

2300 128th Street,
Urbandale IA 50323

Service Areas

My name is Chris Chiaramonte and I'm a real estate agent in the greater Des Moines area. I currently live in Des Moines with my wife Sarah. I grew up in Urbandale, and have lived in the Des Moines metro for my entire life. I love this city, and I get excited to help people buy and sell houses here. Whether you're a first time home buyer or a seasoned veteran, I would love to be a part of the search for your next home. If you're interested in buying or selling a home and want more information, please give me a call or shoot me a text/email. I pride myself in having lightning fast communication and I can be reached at 515-771-1918. My email address is -- thank you!

Demographic Data | Des Moines, IA

Median Age: 34.7
Married: 34.93%
Households: 90,500


Population by Sex
49% Male
51% Female

Occupancy Types
7,134 Vacant
54,220 Owned
36,280 Rented


White/Blue Collar Jobs
69% White Collar
31% Blue Collar

Transportation to Work
86% Drive
2% Public Transportation
4% Walk/Bike/Other
9% Work from Home